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Our catalog contains over 2500 products for pre-clinical and clinical coagulation research. We have served Nordic coagulation researchers with high quality products for more than 25 years from manufacturers specialized in coagulation.
We have the pleasure to announce our new partnership with Pentapharm in the Nordic countries, and as of 2017 we are the exclusive source of Pentapharm products in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.
Pentapharm offers a unique collection of substrates, kits and venoms for coagulation research and special diagnostics with a team solely dedicated to coagulation with broad hands on experience and knowledge about the coagulation cascade.
Pefakit APC-R Factor V Leiden
This functional assay can be used to detect any kind of factor V resistance to activated protein C. The kit utilizes two different snake venoms that act directly on the prothrombinase complex. This unique aspect makes the kit insensitive to cofounders such as lupus anticoagulants and can also be used when patients have been treated with direct Factor Xa-inhibitors such as Apixaban or Dabigatran. Pefakit is a cost-efficient alternative to PCR with the same level of sensitivity.